Rhino Management

The desired end result of rhino conservation efforts is increasing and more widely distributed populations of rhino around Africa. ARCC aims to contribute to that aim by introducing a programme of enhanced breeding of wild rhino within the partner Intensive Protection Zones (IPZs).

To maximise breeding and, therefore, rates of population increase, it is critical to not only increase the numbers of rhino on the reserves, but also to create optimal population age and sex structures; all within the dictates of social behaviour, such as territoriality, and the ecological carrying capacity of the habitat.

The success of this concept depends on intensive ecological and veterinary management and research. To this end, ARCC is negotiating with international veterinary schools and veterinary practices to establish a Wildlife Veterinary Centre of Excellence (WVCE) in the ARCC base facility. The WVCE will also provide the opportunity to link ecological and behavioural research with veterinary investigation into the physiology and disease threats of the species and, thus, improve the likelihood of optimising breeding rates. The WVCE will be run by Dr William Fowlds.